Wednesday, March 7, 2007

The Gags Are Off - But There Is Nothing to Say

The 'content' of a never-sent email, the centre of a media maelstrom for nearly a week, turns out to be next to nothing.

Ruth Turner, PM Tony Blair's head of government relations, felt upset following a chat with Lord Levy, the inner regime's top fund-raiser, in which various options were put to her on how to present her story. She wrote an email intended for chief of staff Jonathan Powell, but immediately thought better of it and gave it instead to her lawyer.

How unfascinating. A year of police and media scrutiny, and that is the most anyone has come up with. It reminds some of us (me) of a certain vast right wing conspiracy led by one Kenneth Starr, a Congress-appointed 'special prosecutor' who spent hundreds of millions of dollars and several years to discover the worst of Bill Clinton's crimes, that he appears to have ejaculated onto a dress occupied at the time by Monica Lewinsky.

It looks like the loans for honours inquiry won't even come to that.


1 comment:

Tim McLoughlin said...

Knowing Ruth personally that is exactly as I'd have expected her to behave. Honest and full of integrity. It was her who ispired me so much at university to keep the faith with the Party.